Samson Namundja
Samson Namundja
Dreaming: Yirridjdja
Clan: Kardbam
Date of Birth: 1969-12-28
Community: Oenpelli


Samson Namundja is the son of Dianne Ginjmulu and Bob Wanurr Namundja. 

Samson learned to paint from Lofty, and his father as well as other old men along with Gabriel Maralngurra, Graham Badari, and Glen Namundja.

Samson mostly paints in x-ray style inspired by the rock art but also uses rarrk (cross hatching).

He paints many animals, as well as dreaming stories such as Yawk Yawks and Namarkkon.

Samson also paints Walabi (fishing nets) which he remembers seeing the old people use when he was young.

For him, painting is an important part of culture that should be continued into the future, and wants children to learn and carry on the practice.

Samson Namundja

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