Haley Bangarr
Haley Bangarr
Dreaming: Yirridjdja
Clan: Marirrn
Date of Birth: 1978-09-30
Community: Oenpelli


Haley Bangarr is the daughter of Julianne Galngarr and Jerry Bangarr, and her brothers Barry and Larry Bangarr are also prominent artists at Injalak Arts. She grew up and attended school at Kumarrirnbang outstation, where she also learnt to weave.
Kumarrirnbang outstation is known for the large amount of bush cane or flagellaria indica (midjakkurrk) growing there, and Haley has come to use this material often for the framework oher pandanus sculptures. 
She has also carved a large number of Mimih Spirit figures. 

Haley Bangarr

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