Ngurrurdu dja Kornobolo (Emu and Wallaby)
Ngurrurdu dja Kornobolo (Emu and Wallaby)


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Ngurrurdu (emu) is a very important bird for us Aboriginal people. We can find ngurrurdu in many different clan countries, in wide open areas. There are also Djang (Dreaming) sites for Ngurrurdu in many places. In the Beginning, ngurrurdu used to be able to fly. Two men tried to spear her, but missed. She flew away in fright, but flew straight into a thick stand of manlarrh (cypress, Callitris intratropica). Her wings broke, and until today she has short wings and can’t fly. But she runs with a fearsome power. She has the skin name Ngalkangila. Kurrung (the late dry season) is the best time for hunting ngurrurdu and collecting wirlarrk, emu eggs. Ngalbu ngurrurdu ngalka ngalkuken mayh ngadberre, nawu ngad bininj ngarrikukburlerri. Ngurrurdu karri ngalwern kore kunred kubolkwarlahken kore ngarrihni. Ngurrurdu kadjangdi kubolkwern kunred. Ngurrurdu korroko dolkani rey kaddum kaluk bininj benebokenh yimankek beneyameninj dja larrk. Kelelobmeng ngimeng kore manwern Manlarrh kundulk mirnderri yimankek dolkang berlbakmeng wanjh berlyahwurdminj minj karrolkan kaddum larrk dja kalobme wernkih ngalngudjbang.

ARTIST  Joe Guymala


Size 61 x 41 cm
Medium Ochre and Acrylic on Arches Paper
Catalogue # 77095582

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