Connie Nayinggul is a daughter of Doris Badari and Jacob Nayinggul and a sister of Katie and brother of Samuel Nayinggul.Ngalwamud Ngalmanilakarr. She is married to Joseph Garnarradj. She previously worked at Injalak as a cataloguer and as Park Ranger. Connie often shares her deep knowledge of Kunwinjku culture. She hosts school groups at her outstation and in 2019 appeared on various television programs including Gardening Australia speaking about botany and rock art on her country. She now lives on her outstaion at Mikkinj and continues to weave fibre art including earrings, coil baskets and animal sculptures.

Connie Nayinggul
Dreaming: Yirridjdja
Clan: Manilagarr
Date of Birth: 1972-07-02
Community: Oenpelli
Connie Nayinggul
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