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Namorrorddo beings are devil-like men who inhabited Arnhem Land during the Dreamtime. They are still present at night in the bush. Namorrorddo is shown with his fighting club, distingished by the split in one end, a special bag around his neck for carrying an axe or bones and a feather ceremonial object in his left hand. The bush string around his upper arms and knees signifies that he is a magic man.
Kunwinjku people believe Namorrorddo can steal the spirits of their dead if they are not laid to rest in the culturally appropriate way. It is said that Namorrorddo traverses the sky in the form of a shooting star, looking for souls to steal.
Ngalbadjan dja ngalyaw benewam kore mankabo Benenang Namorrorddo karrmihkarrmi nawern djenj Namarnkol djirribi dorrengh.kunyarl kurrurrubom.Ngalbu daluk mey karnnubirr yarldadjkeng wanjh mey kang dja bawong nungan nuye namorrorddo.nawu namorrorddo minj binayinj larrk. Wanjh wam bu borledmeng nang nawu djirribi kunyarl dawh dja nawu nawern daluk mey kang.Wanjh yawoyhdurndi manbolh kore kumwam bennang daluk dja wurdwurd ngalengarre birrihnguni wanjh benbawong wam yimeng kaluk ngurringimen kore kuwarderurrk.Wanjh birriwam kore kuwarderurrk yimeng djuh djuh ngurringimen bu birringimeng mey kunkih burriweng warderurrkbalhmeng dja kunbid nuye marnbom manrurrkyahwurd rurrkni.Wanjh benmarneyimeng ngurringu dja ngurriwokdi kaluk yerre ngurridowen kumekke kuwarderurrk.
ARTIST Shaun Namarnyilk
Size 41 x 61 cm
Medium Acrylic on Arches Paper
Catalogue # 82061085
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