Dird the Moon Man
Dird the Moon Man


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In the Dreamtime, many animals took the form of humans and wandered around various parts of the country. Quoll and Dird were two men, both hunters. Quoll saw how good a hunter Dird was and saw the women and girls watching him. He became so jealous of Dirds success that he challenged Dird to a fight. The fight was vicious and after much struggle, Quoll won. Dird was so ashamed he decided he didn’t want to live on the earth any more. He flew up into the night sky and can still be seen as the man in the moon.

Bu korroko duninjh mayh nakka yiman ngad bininj bolkkime karrikukyime birriwohrey birriwarlbuni.Dird dja Djabbo nakka benebininjni bokkenh bedda benemayhmakni rowk. bu benewarlbuni benebuni nawu mayh.Djabbo binang Dird nawu daluhdaluk dja yawkyawk birrinani birriwurrmangi birrimarnedjareni wanjh djabbo kirnminj djareni beneburrimeninj dird wanjh beneburrinj kunkimuk kunyid.Wanjh djabbo karrmeng bibom dird wanjh dird yemeng minj djareniwirrinj konda kunred.Wanjh dolkang kungol kaddum kukak  wam.Bu bolkkime karrinan dird bininj namekke djabbo kahdi kore dird.

Yikarrakkal, Mann River District, Central Arnhem Land are the astronomical figures related to clan lands known as Dird Djang or ‘Moon Dreaming’. There is a large round hole in stone said to represent the moon. This area was once an important camp site for ancestors and includes many rock art galleries and mortuary sites.

Kore Yikarrakkal Mann River kore Central Arnhem Land kunwarde kakukyime yiman dird nawu kanhwolkan kukak Dird Djang Moon Dreaming manwardekimuk kawarderurrk kumekke kubolkkuken bininj birriyoy nawu birriyungki dja nawern nawu bim kahbimdi kore kuwarderurrk.

ARTIST  Jemma Yibbruruana


Size 41 x 61 cm
Medium Acrylic
Catalogue # 82241738

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