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We use two names for the freshwater crocodile – “kumoken” and “modjarrki”. Kumoken is the long nosed crocodile, different from the short nosed kinga (saltwater crocodile). They don’t bite people. We see them in many places, usually open areas rather than dense forest. They are seen in flowing water, and high in the stone country. We see them lying in the sun on logs, on the sand, on rocks or on the banks of creeks or rivers. They eat small prey such as rats, fish, prawns, frogs. In the past the old people used to catch and eat kumoken and cook them in a ground oven and also they would eat the eggs. Kumoken lays its eggs high on the bank in the sand, and buries them, in the same way that the sea turtle, which lays its eggs and buries them in the sand high on the beach.
Kumoken lays about 20 eggs in “Kurrung”, the hot dry time of the year.Kumuken ngarringeybun bokenh kunngey, birribuyika kabirri-ngeybun modjarrkki, kumoken – nakka kebyahwurd – minj kinga. Nakka kebdjumbung. Kumoken minj kanbaye – larrk. Kumoken karrinan kubolkwarlahken kubolkwern, kumoken karrinan kore kahbo-rlobme, dja kore kaddum kore kuwardehwarde. karrinan kakukdayo kore manwodj kukorlh kuwardde dja kore kukadjid, Kumuken kayo kore kukku kubowinjku, kore manlabbarl, mankabo. Kumuken kangun nawu mayh kilekilelh, mulbbu, djenj, wakih, kordbolbok. Kumuken namak mayh bu ngarringun. Korroko dabborrabbolk birribuni, birrikerribuni, wanjh birringuni, wirllarrk warridj. Kumuken ka-wirllarrk-ngukdeng kore kukadjid kaddum kukayalanj kadudjeng – yiman ngalbu mayh manbiri, ngalbu kurrulawaken kawirllarrkngukdeng kore karrkad wadjbud.
ARTIST Samson Namundja
Size 41 x 61 cm
Medium Acrylic on Arches Paper
Catalogue # 82168778
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