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We see merlemerle (butterflies) all over the place, fluttering away in fright into the trees when we come close. In the past, children used to go looking for manyahyay (yellow flowering acacia) trees, which were always covered in butterflies when they flowered. They would amuse themselves for hours chasing after the butterflies with sticks.
People say that when a butterfly comes and flies around you, it tells you that people are coming to visit you.
Merlemerle karrinan nawern kore kubolkwern kore karrire. Karrinan karrolkarren kore kungarre bu karrikawon. Bu karrire karringarrengimen kore manngarre wanjh karrikawon nadjalwern merlemerleh nakimuk nayahwurd kukbubuyika. Korroko wurdwurd birrirey kundulk manyahyay birrikadjungi birribuni mak nabuyika birrinani birrikadjungi munguyh kunekke birriyimi birrikadjungi nawu merlemerleh.
Bu kamdolkan, kamulewan bininj kabirrimre.
ARTIST Alicia Mardday
Size 74 x 54
Medium Pandanus and Natural Dyes
Catalogue # 82213932
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