Marram (Whistling Kite)
Marram (Whistling Kite)

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $96.00.

Out of stock

We have two kinds of whistling kite. One with a fork tail which we mostly call Buludjirr and sometimes Marram. The other one has a round tail and we just call it Marram. Whistling Kite eats fish and other animals that are dead and rotten. Sometimes it will eat a dead fish floating on the water or laying on the bank. Whistling Kite eats anything that dies and gets rotten, like dead buffaloes, pigs and kangaroos. We see lots of them sitting on trees and on the ground waiting, or flying around up in the sky. We call them Marram but sometimes people call them the other names like Nawurrkbil but it’s still the same bird.

Nawu Marram ngarrikarrme bokenh mayhmayh nakudji nawu berddjarrkkarlang nakka ngarringeybun Buludjirr marram yerrih.Dja nabuyika nakka kunberd nuye round dja marram yerrih bu ngarringeybun.Marram kangun djenj dja mayh nawu nud dja nawu namak kamang kore kukku nawu kadowen dja nawu darrkid kare.Marram kangun nawern yehyeng nawu nud karriburriwe karribawon kuberrk.Bu mayh nakimuk karrowen kakukyo yiman nganabarru kunj bik nawern nawu mayh.Wanjh karrinan nawer marram kawakburren kaddum kungol yika kabarndi kore kundulk kamadbun namekke mayh kangun.

ARTIST  Thomas Badari


Size 16x26
Catalogue # 82295291

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